
The event will bring together researchers, representatives of research oriented organizations and different funding agencies in order to share information, experience and discuss:
- Funding Agencies for Researchers in Motion - is the Funding Agency a key piece in the R&I internationalization puzzle? How the agencies contribute to make research mobility more vibrant?
- Power of Knowledge Circulation - how research mobility did contribute to shape the researcher career?
- Discover Georgia as a new destination for research career development - what are the opportunities provided by EURAXESS Georgia Network?
The panel discussions will be followed by parallel workshops:
- W1. Open Science and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
Target audience: representatives of research organizations interested in mastering the different aspects of Open Science. The Workshop participants will be able to share knowledge and inform researchers about what Open Science is, where researchers can find useful tools and information, how it can become an asset for the development of their research project, how it can serve their career, etc.
Trainers: Dr. Miroslav Trajanovic, Dr. Dragan Misic & Dr. Nikola Korunovic, Mechanical Engineering Faculty, University of Niš, Serbia
**Note: the W1 participants will be provided with some pre-training materials they have to go through before the workshop.
- W2. Growing Ideas Through Networks – COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology)
Target audience: individual researchers with different academic background, interested in networking and research cooperation. The workshop participants will gain knowledge about what is COST, what opportunities it offers, why it is an efficient instrument for researchers, how to participate in the COST actions and etc.
Trainer: Dr. Inga Dadeshidze, Science Officer, COST Association
To participate in the event, please register until September 20!
Participation is free!
Conference link will be sent to registered participants by email after the deadline.
W2. Growing Ideas Through Networks – COST_PPT
- EURAXESS Georgia National Portal Inauguration: welcome and opening
- Panel discussion: Funding Agencies for Researchers in Motion
- Panel discussion: Discover Georgia as a new destination for research career development
- Panel discussion: Power of Knowledge Circulation
- Workshop: Growing Ideas Through Networks – COST
- Date & Duration
- -
- Location/Venue
- Hamburg, 22607, Notkestraße 85, Building 61, Georgia
- Name
- EURAXESS Georgia Service Centre
- Organiser address
- Georgia
- euraxess@rustaveli.org.ge