Economic and social rights of elderly citizens of Georgia are guaranteed by the Constitution of Georgia and ensured by Law of Georgia on State Pensions. The law regulates the grounds for the origination of entitlement to pensions, defines a pension administration authority and establishes general principles of awarding, paying, suspending, resuming, terminating and receiving pensions. Pensions are funded from the State Budget of Georgia.
The following individuals can receive the pension:
a) Citizens of Georgia;
b) Stateless persons having a status in Georgia;
c) Foreigners who have legally resided in the territory of Georgia for the last 10 years by the moment of submitting an application for a pension.
Starting from January 1, 2019 the accumulated pension system has been launched in Georgia. The new pension scheme is mandatory for legally employed people under 40. For the self-employed and those above the age of 40, enrolment in the programme is voluntary.
More information see at Pension Agency