EURAXESS Georgia network welcomes you!
EURAXESS Georgia provides information and assistance to researchers and their families on mobility issues and career development opportunities. It also allows universities and research-oriented institutions to attract talents, partners and funding.
The Georgian Network consists of National Bridge Head Organisation (BHO), EURAXESS Service Centre (ESC) and EURAXESS Contact Points (ECP) at 6 leading universities.
The National BHO and the ESC are based at the Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia, a Legal Entity of Public Law under the aegis of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia. The foundation provides research funding on a competitive basis, administers national and international grant calls and programmes.
All services of the Georgian EURAXESS Network are free of charge!
EURAXESS Service Centre
Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia
Science Department
Address: #2 Aleksidze Str. Tbilisi, 0193, Georgia
E-mail: euraxess@rustaveli.org.ge