Find out about all the free services EURAXESS provides to researchers and employers. EURAXESS provides information and assistance on numerous matters related to international mobility of researchers including visa requirements, work regulations, taxation and social security.
Find out more about Georgia
According to your visit purpose and your nationality entry conditions and visa requirements may be different. Here you can find detailed information regarding the entry conditions and visa requirements in Georgia.
Based upon the appropriate grounds, Residence Permit shall be issued with the right of temporary or permanent residence. In this section you can find detailed information about getting residence permit in Georgia
Here you can find information about medical care system in Georgia, including information about hospitals/clinics, dental clinics and pharmacies in Georgia.
In this section you can find information about health insurance system in Georgia, which includes public and private health insurance companies.
In this section you can find detailed information about Georgian currency, banks, payment cards and list of commercial banks in Georgia
In this section you will find information about accommodation conditions in Georgia.
Here you can find information about daily life in Georgia, including information on transportation, communication, public services and etc.
In this section you can find information about early childhood education, public and private kindergartens and schools in Georgia and the application process.
EURAXESS provides practical support to researchers as they relocate for work. EURAXESS provides information and assistance on all formalities related to a research and working stay in Georgia.
If you wish to continue studying or researcher career in Georgia, your education document must be recognized and regarded as equivalent to a diploma issued by an authorized Georgian institution. Here you can read detailed information about the diploma recognition procedures.
In this section you can find information regarding Georgian taxation system which considered to be simple. Salary based taxes are Income Tax and Pension Contribution.
Here you can find information on pension rights in Georgia. Find out more about pension awarding principles and recently launched accumulated pension system.
Researcher mobility can improve a career in research. Make the move and discover the wealth of opportunities inside and outside Georgia. The EURAXESS Service Centre and Contact Points are on hand to offer expertise and advice to facilitate your move.
Georgian system of higher education and research has undergone a substantial reform from 2011 and still undergoes improvements. At present, it consists mix of research performing organizations from both public and private sectors.
In this section you will find information about various funding opportinities for researchers on different career development stage in Georgia.
In this section you will find information about Intellectual Property Rights in Georgia.
Find out more about Georgian diaspora abroad.
EURAXESS provides information and assistance on numerous matters related to leaving the country and relocate for work.
In this section you can find detailed information on leaving the territory of Georgia.
EURAXESS provides information and assistance on all formalities related to studying in Georgia.
Here you can find information on higher education system of Georgia. Find out more about education system and admission terms for international students.
In this section you can find a list of all universities and teaching universities of Georgia.